Op 20 juni komt Afrogrooves terug! ze zullen het café weer vullen met een blend van West-Afrikaanse highlife muziek, calypso, funk, R&B, salsa en soul. De hoofdgast is trompettist Berima Amo, dus dit wil je niet missen. Ook is er weer een open jamsessie waar iedereen aan mee mag doen, dus neem je djembé of je trompet mee :).
Berima Amo is a trumpet master who has become an ambassador for West Africa’s rich musical traditions. He has five albums, two EPs, and six singles available on all music digital platforms. With a desire to see young Africans incorporate indigenous drums and acoustic instruments into new music, Berima spearheaded the “Highlife Restoration Project,” which consisted of workshops, radio and television interviews, band coaching, and artist grooming. He established Osaberima Big Band in 2021, the first in West Africa since the last one closed 30 years ago. With three well-received music singles and various performances, this initiative has literally resurrected an era of big band music in West Africa.
Luister hier naar Berima Amo
The All Stars AfroBand is a new and dynamic 9-piece band handpicked by Berima Amo, the Amsterdam-based Ghanaian trumpeter and bandleader. Members of the band are African session musicians who live and work in the European and Accra music scenes. The band plays a vibrant West African sound that blends authentic high-life dance music with calypso, funk, R&B, salsa and soul music. Berima’s music arrangements for this band is inspired by the origins and fundamentals of African rhythmic energy.