

Vanaf 1 april zijn op verschillende plekken in het gebouw de kunstwerken van de Oekrainse kunstenares Ole Solonko te zien.

De kunstwerken zijn te koop. De opbrengst gaat naar bewoners van Kiev die hulp nodig hebben en naar Ole die nog in Kiev bij haar familie is. Op donderdag 14 april vertelt Lena, initiatiefnemer van de expositie over Ole, haar vriendschap en haar land Oekraïne. Natuurlijk is er ook tijd voor vragen en een gesprek met Lena.

MidWest is hosting an exhibition of Kyiv-based artist Ole Solonko (1980) featuring original work of Ole from the Diversity collection (2017-2018) and posters of her architectural drawings from the Kyiv Modernism series (2020).
Lena Kononova, a Sjoelclub member and a longtime friend of Ole, has initiated this exhibition:
“Ukraine receives tremendous support from all over the world these days. My idea was to give a part of Ukraine in return – as a form of reciprocity [wederkerigheid] – through the artworks of my friend Ole. By buying her works, you will not only help Ole but also donate to others in need. Fifty percent of the proceeds will go to the volunteers in Ukraine whom I personally know who help refugees. The other half will go to Ole who is still in Kyiv with her family.”
If you wish to buy artworks, please send a message to or drop by in MidWest café where Lena is working each Wednesday and Thursday from 12:00 till 17:30.
Original drawings (ink on paper) are €200 each. Posters (40×50, MC paper) are €20 each.
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